Friday, September 21, 2018


The deadliest thing in the world is time.

Once gone its gone!!

Even a second can create or destroy anything!!

Even a single second cannot be changed!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Whenever you are depressed and tensed about someone, just Google colors. Its the instant remedy for mind relied. Look at the colors and just think how many colors are there, in the same way the humans are!!

And the humans also fade away in the same way how the colors fade!!

So, never expect anyone to be 100% perfect and the same as always.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Saturday, September 15, 2018


Never expect yourself from others
You can never find one!!


Hi Everyone,

Manu here. I gonna self intro myself since I started this blog brand new. 

I am a kind of person who still searching to find out self. In a deep depression and trying to come out of that.

Basically, I am a person who imagines everything. Lives in the imagination world.

Thought many times to start writing stories, mesmerizing articles. But never did that.

After these many years, want to tell this world about my imaginations. I would be happy even it is read by a single person.

Let's see how this goes.....

Happy Day to Everyone!!!!!!💗💗